Elit Taxi Kyiv is the leader in the taxi market in Kyiv!

The true Elit of Ukraine and Kyiv, famous athletes, artists, singers, Ukrainian companies, representatives of large, medium and small businesses, distinguished guests of Ukraine and Kyiv are among our loyal customers.

Elit Taxi company was founded in May 1998

Elit Taxi company has been a customer-oriented company since 1998. Guarantee of the comfort and safety of Elit Taxi passengers is always in the first place for our company. We really appreciate the choice of our customers and their trust in Elit Taxi. For more than 26 years, Elit Taxi has been doing everything possible to ensure that Elit Taxi passengers receive high-quality and safe services for passenger transportation by taxi in Kyiv. And we have been succeeding in this for over 26 years.

The long-term trust and generous payment for services by our customers are the best indicators confirming the appropriateness of the customer-oriented approach and effective work over the 26 years of Elit Taxi’s existence:

The true Elit of Ukraine and Kyiv, famous athletes, artists, singers, Ukrainian companies, representatives of large, medium and small businesses, distinguished guests of Ukraine and Kyiv are among our loyal customers.

Elit Taxi has many family customers, where all family members use our services.

Among our loyal customers there are embassies, consulates, international corporations, world famous companies, world famous 5 and 4 star hotels.

Indicators that clearly confirm that Elit Taxi really guarantees the highest standards of comfort and safety of taxi services in Ukraine for more than 26 years:

  • for 26 years Elit Taxi has been insuring every passenger
  • for 26 years there has not been a single case in Elit Taxi when things, suitcases, jewelry or money forgotten by a passenger were not returned to their owner, an Elit Taxi passenger. Elit Taxi always returns things and money forgotten in a taxi to Elit Taxi passengers

Your trust
Our guarantees

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Elit Taxi company works daily to improve services and increase the number of Elit Taxi customers and professional drivers

For more than 26 years, Elit Taxi has been providing quality, comfortable and safe services for passenger transportation by taxi in the city of Kyiv

We are often asked: Why and how do we do it? Why do we have the best quality of taxi services, the best taxi cars, guaranteed safety and comfort of Elit Taxi passengers?

This is the titanic, daily work of the numerous, almost thousandth Elit Taxi team to organize and ensure the highest quality, comfort and safety of Elit Taxi services for each passenger. Elit Taxi clearly complies with the requirements of the current legislation, and in some cases, to ensure the comfort and safety of Elit Taxi passengers, we even go further than the current legislation requires and additionally require our drivers to comply with the strict rules of the Elit Taxi driver.

For guaranteed comfortable and safe transportation of passengers, Elit Taxi company cooperates with almost 420 taxi carriers, which use about 550 taxi cars in their activities. These 420 licensed carriers include almost 370 carriers - individual entrepreneurs with their own cars and about 50 legal entities (car fleets) with their own, leasing or rented cars and hired taxi drivers:

  • Elit Taxi cars meet the high requirements for comfort and safety of Elit Taxi customers
  • Elit Taxi cars are regularly inspected at certified service stations trusted by Elit Taxi
  • Elit Taxi drivers meet the high requirements of Elit Taxi customers
  • Elit Taxi drivers are professionals for whom taxi is the only or main activity
  • Elit Taxi drivers are drivers who comply with the requirements of the Labor Code, monitor their health and regularly undergo medical examinations with doctors trusted by Elit Taxi.
  • Elit Taxi drivers are drivers who know the city of Kyiv very well, drivers who are always ready to provide a quality, comfortable and safe service
  • Elit Taxi drivers are drivers who always give change from any banknote and always change banknotes.

Your trust
Our guarantees